Electronics-Telecommunications-Networks-Phones-Product partnership

Your partner for electronic, telecommunications, telephony, PC networks

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Our missions
Electronic design

Product partnership: you have an idea, we find together a solution for the design, the production and the diffusion of the product

Consulting, design, settling, support of PC based networks, mainly for small and medium-sized companies, with internet, emails and security (Windows Server, Windows7, Windows8, Windows10)

Consulting, design, settling, support of needs driven telephony installations

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About us
Founded in 1997 by Fernand Dominé, electronic engineer

More than 30 years experienced in electronics development

More than 20 years experienced in PC networks

28 years experienced in high level electronic teaching, projects management, and networks

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+41 21 702 45 40
+41 76 399 45 42
pongo, Praz-Voué 1, 1031 Mex, Switzerland
Informations : info@pongo.info
Sales : sales@pongo.info
Support : support@pongo.info
Web administrator : webmaster@pongo.info